
Help >>Support>> What should I do in an energy emergency this winter?

What should I do in an energy emergency this winter?

Everything you need to know about getting extra help paying for winter bills and more.

Had a power cut or smell gas?

Go straight to our energy emergency page for info on what to do.

Where can I get help paying for winter energy?

Cold Weather Payment

If you receive benefits like Pension Credit, Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit, you can get extra help to pay for energy when it gets cold outside.

The Cold Weather Payment is automatically added to your benefits payment “when your local temperature is either recorded as, or forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over 7 consecutive days”.

For more info or to check your eligibility, visit

Winter Fuel Payment

This payment is made to help older people pay their winter energy bills. You can read more about it on

Warm Home Discount

Boost offers the Warm Home Discount, which helps around 30,000 people stay toasty warm each winter. It’s a one-off payment of £140 to help you stay on top of your bills if you’re on a low-income or receive benefits.

More info on Warm Home Discount

Check if you’re eligible for Warm Home Discount

Can Boost help me with practical problems?

Priority Services Register

From notice about planned power cuts to large-print bills and braille. There are lots of ways we can help you out – for more info, eligibility and how to sign up, visit our Priority Services Register page.

Boilers and central heating

Unfortunately, we can’t help if you have a problem with your boiler or heating – you’ll need to speak to your landlord if you’re renting or organise the repair if you own your home.

If you’re a tenant, you can make sure you know your rights – Shelter has plenty of info if you’re a private tenant, as well as handy guides for health and safety for tenants and who’s responsible for repairs in social housing.

If you own your home, it might be worth checking if there are grants or loans available to help. Visit the Energy Saving Trust for more information.

More places to turn if you’re worried

The team at Shelter can help if you’re having to make difficult decisions financially. They’ve put together a useful overview of the help that’s available.

From grants available from other organisations to short-term advances in your benefits, info on food banks, or help with rent and where to find fair-loans – all this info is in one place here.

Family Action is a charity that provides practical, emotional and financial support for families experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation. Visit their website.

Turn2us helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services. Go to their site

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